April 13 2024
March 30 2024

The server is online on development mode. With this regard the following commands are available for all players so they can test out the server feature on full extent.

-converts player to max level 400 with corresponding stat points.

-automatically unlocks 2nd and 3rd level quest for characters.

-combine with workshop code to make valid items with limitation settings in game.

Video Instruction:
<Insert Video Here>

Nofeara Mu Online started as a project last December 2022, however due to time constraints the server was put on hold and configuration for the server did not progress. There was an attempt to continue the project last July 2023 but due to lack of motivation and other factors the server progress was again put on hold. Another attempt to revive the project was started this mid March 2024.

The project was to revive an Mu Online server with active market system wherein players will need to hunt for items and trade with other players in order to achieve the best build suite. The server will also run on base experience with no rebirth so as to maximize and introduce character stat and item build setup. This would also makes use and sense of the features and events set in game. The item option limit for items will be set as follows:

*Max 2 Excellent Options
*Non Excellent 380 Items
*Max 3 Socket Items - Non Excellent
*Non Excellent Ancient Items

There will be NO item donations. Zen will be important and the primary currency. There will be no staff members as to prevent biases and events will solely depend on in-game events and Guild Clan activity. PVP tournaments will be held by server owner.

Nofeara Mu Online is also striving to introduce the old PC game to the new generation of players so part of the development is to create in-game tutorials on the features and events of MU Online Season 6 Ep3. Guides and change logs will be posted accordingly.

There will be an in-dept in-game testing so we are inviting everyone to share reports and feedback via our forums so we can document and apply fix or changes if any. Currently the server is hosted on a London server location but will be transferred to Singapore hosting location once the necessary preparations has been made for official launching. We are hoping to be able to target the official launch by July 2024 or before the year ends.

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Server Info
StatusOn Development
VersionSeason 6 Ep3
ExperienceBase Exp (1x)
Max Level620
Total Accounts25
Total Characters32
Total Guilds1
Online Users:2
Castle Siege
Castle Owner

Guild Master

Guild Registration Period
Current Stage

3 days 15 hours
Warfare Countdown

Top Level
Blade Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Muse Elf